Hacks to keep you warm on the sidelines!

If your little one plays any sort of sport you know what it’s like to be cold, and we mean REALLY cold. Keeping warm while standing on the sidelines is an art form. One we’re only just starting to get to grips with. So, we asked our dayze community for their tried and tested hacks that are guaranteed to keep you and the family toasty and warm for the duration of a match. Here’s what they had to share.

Let us know if there are any others and we’ll add them to the below.

Heated socks + stay in the car!

Gary films Premier League football matches for a living and is also dad to the gorgeous Noelle, so we tapped him up for his go-to tricks on match day. His recommendations include a telescopic stool and rechargeable heated socks. Genius! He also mentioned, parking as close to the pitch as you can to watch from inside the warm car - something his dad did back in the day!

Handwarmers + heated gilet

Kerry at Think Active has attended more sports matches than we’ve had hot dinners, so is a full-on professional when it comes to keeping warm on match days. Her secret weapons include hand warmers and, can you believe it, a heated gilet! (Adds to basket immediately!)

Layer up, gang!

Lou Shields, photographer and mama to two mini rugby fans believes it’s ALL about the layers. We’re talking thermals, double up on socks, wool, and plenty of coverage on the neck, head, feet and hands. Not forgetting a blanket to keep their legs and feet toasty, too.

And, if your little one wants to wear their sports top to support their team, Lou always puts them OVER their warm jackets… what a hack!! She also makes sure the kids wear ear muffs to match days to keep them warm and muffle the loud crowd noise.

Seat pad

A few people have recommended a heated seat pad to keep you or your little ones warm on super cold days. Make sure it’s rechargeable like this one by Luxte.

Hot drinks

According the the Standard, Chillys Series 2 is one of the best flasks on the market in 2023 to keep your drink warm for up to 12 hours (and cold for up to 24 hours) without any leaks or drips. Perfect for resting on uneven sports grounds!

Dry robes + Puffa jackets

We’ve seen an increasing number of kids and their grown-ups turning up to matches with Dry Robes. At first, we thought they’d lost their way from the beach, but then we realised that this was a super genius parenting hack to stay warm and toasty!

The darn-right ridiculous

Or is it? One of the dayze community sent us this pop-up sports tent for cold, rainy, and windy days. We’ve not received confirmation that it works as yet/… but it’s too good not to include!


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