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A Grand Medieval Day Out at Kenilworth Castle

A grand medieval day out Kenilworth Castle

Sun 5-Mon 6 May, 10:00-17:00

Throughout the day explore the bustling camp where you can meet tradespeople, the knights on campaign, and the families supporting them. See traditional crafts in action including the blacksmith, woodworkers, and weavers.

Take your chance to seek advice from the herbalist for all your ailments or visit the cook’s tent to see what it took to feed an army! Then listen to the sounds of the past with our medieval musicians Caliban’s Dream.

Plus, little ones will love the castle jester, on hand to bring some laughter to the day!

Family ticket £48 (non-members) 

5 May

Junior Park Run, War Memorial Park, Coventry

5 May

May Bank Holiday at Charterhouse Coventry