Top 5 big shop tips by dayze

Costs are rising, and time for parents is short. We’ve received several requests for tips on how to get more out of your big food shop, so here goes!

1: Stick to the plan, no matter what.

Write a list, set a budget, and stick to it, no matter what. Also, if you shop while hungry, you're more likely to buy things you don't need. Need to pick up a pint of milk or a loaf of bread mid-week, do not, we repeat, do not pick up a basket! You will only fill it up with things you don’t really need.

2. Shop for own-brand products.

Did you know that many own-brand products are produced by the big brands!! If the kids start saying that their favourite character is not displayed on the cereal package (we have all been there), make it into a game and get them to blind test the own-brand products against their favourite brands.

One dayze parent told us that she saves the branded boxes and swaps the inner packaging (genius), and her four-year-old doesn't know!

3. Waste less food.

The 'use-by’ date is the last date after which it is not considered safe to eat the product. However, eating food past a 'best before date does not create any health issues. There are great inventory apps out there like Whatsin that let you know what's in your cupboards and fridge/freezer wherever you are like the 125 cans of tinned tomatoes at the back of your cupboard!

4. Get to grips with portion sizes.

Portion sizes and weights can get out of hand, especially if you’re distracted by the kids shouting when dinner is ready. Love Food Hate Waste portion calculator tells you exactly what you need to buy! Your waistline and purse will thank you.

5. Take your own bags to the shops.

Keep some spare reusable bags in your car at all times. After all, how many times do you get to the checkout and you have to buy a bag or ten? At 50p a-go in some shops, if you forget every time, you could be spending nearly GBP 200 a year on plastic bags (sigh).

Let us know of any more tried and tested tips and we will share with the rest of the dayze gang!

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